

Daniel and Urs at DWX in Nuremberg in June


Daniel and Urs are speakers at the developer week DWX in Nuremberg in June.
If you want to speak to us in person and not just read from us on this blog, come and join us.
You even get a discount, just insert the registration code DWX2018Enzler and unlock your 15 % discount on all tickets. Information & tickets on
But, what are we talking about at the conference anyway (talks in German and the workshop will be in English)?

101 ideas for agile teams


Long time no see!
You may or may not have missed posts from me lately. The reason is that I was busy writing about my ideas on how to improve teamwork in agile teams over at .
The ideas cover the topics:

Communication & collaboration in an agile team
Continuous learning
Continuous improvement
Better quality
how to organize the team’s work
effective meetings

Check them out and I’d like to read your feedback.

Join me at the Developer Openspace 2015 in Leipzig


I should not say this in public because I’m a Swiss Guy, but I love the German Community ;). I’ve been giving Usergroup speeches in many German cities over the last few years. Every community event I attended in Germany was fully organized, well-coming, and the community engaged with the speakers and workshop leads. One of the most unusual events in Germany is starting in a few days in Leipzig. It is the Developer Openspace 2015. Here are a few impressions: Abstract: An Open Space...

Stuff I learned yesterday


I listen to a few podcasts. Mainly technical ones. I recently got a hint from Mike Minutillo about a podcast called “Stuff I learned yesterday”. I was blown away when I started listening to this podcast. It makes you think more about stuff that you learned. Furthermore, this podcast is full of stories from the podcasters themselves but also from the community. You’ll find the podcast here One of the recent inspiring and very emotional episodes are Finding clarity If you have...

Bye bye Machine.Specifications


I recently announced Machine.Specifications.Resharper 1.1.0 release. This is the last release I did for Machine.Specifications. I’m taking a step back from the project. Let me give you a bit of background how I ended up maintaining Machine.Specifications and why it’s time to move on.

Machine.Specifications.Runner.Resharper 1.0.0 released


Thanks to Matt Ellis and some bug hunting of me I can proudly say that we have released Resharper 9 integration for Machine.Specifications. You can now install the plugin by using the provided extension manager in Resharper 9. For those who are using Resharper versions older than 9 I pushed an update for the plugin for Resharper 8.2. It resolves an issues when you switch from Debug to Release mode or vice versa while having a unit test session open. If you did, you actually had to restart...

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