
Windows Server Baseline Security


Part One. Today and in my next posts, we want to take a closer look at the security settings of windows server. One good way to start is the “Security Configuration Wizard” later called as SCW. The wizard was patched in the operating system with SP1. In the release 2 of windows server 2003 you don’t need to patch – it’s from start up SP2.

Clean Code Developer


Yesterday, I found an interesting page (in German) describing some of the most important patterns and practices in software development: Although I’m not a fan of wrist bands (see the linked page to see for yourself), I like the page for its short description of patterns and practices like: Don’t repeat yourself keep it simple stupid single responsibility pattern separation of concerns interface segregation principle dependency injection principle Liskov substitution principle open close...

PowerShell V2 installed by default


I’m quite sure you know Powershell – this incredibly fancy Shell that allows you to do things you couldn’t even imagine without 🙂 Version 1.1 of Powershell is now heavy on market – every new software from Microsoft must be powershell-enabled. But the best thing is that Microsoft announced, Powershell will be installed by default on every copy of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. And as far as I know there will be support for Powershell in Windows Server Core. Find...

Windows 7


Since a week I am using Windows 7 and until now, I am really satisfied. Windows 7 feels much faster than Vista and it’s something like a fine tuned Vista.
Here you can read the most notable new features:

For further information, you will find here a good walkthrough:

Windows 7


It’s new, It’s hot, It’s Seven and It’s in Beta. The new version of the Microsoft Client Operating System. Since the 10 of January the beat version can be obtained from So lets take a short look to the new philosopher’s stone of Microsoft. In this little Video you can see the Installation of Windows Seven. Take a special look to the Hard drive Partitioning and to the new Homegroupe feature.

NMock2 and the year 2009


A short list of features that you can expect of NMock2 (.NET mocking framework) in one of the next releases:

mocking of classes
nonstrict mocks
detectation of swallowed exceptions
NMock2 ReSharper plugin for code completion
state full mocks

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