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Introduction to NServiceBus


Updated: 21.11.2012
There are many tools out there on the market which claim to be enterprise service buses. But only NServiceBus incorporates true service oriented architecture and many years of experience in how to design such systems. Using the matrix analogy from Morpheus we can compare traditional service buses to taking the blue pill. Only if you choose NServiceBus aka the red pill you stay in the wonderland of real service orientation and discover how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

How to find misplaced or misnamed unit tests with NDepend


In my current project, we do a lot of refactoring to keep the source code as simple and understandable as possible. This involves a lot of renaming of classes and moving classes between namespaces to structure the code in a better understandable way (here is explained how we structure our code). Sometimes, this results in unit tests not renamed or moved along with the production classes they test.
Therefore, I wrote some NDepend queries that show us these misplaced or misnamed test classes.

Test Driven Development on iOS


Since I’m developing my current iOS app using test driven development, I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned in the process. I’ll be focusing on TDD at the unit test level and I’ll only be discussing writing unit tests for view controllers. The concepts discussed in this post can easily be extended so that unit tests cover all parts of an iOS application and not just the view controllers. Two key ingredients to successfully writing cohesive unit tests...

Packet Analyzer on ESX Server


Last week I needed to analyze traffic form a Virtual Server hosted on a ESX machine. Normally this job would be a piece of cake if the server has his own NIC. But the way with an “old” hub or with an port mirror (port spanning) do not work with a vSwich (a virtual switch on the ESX server).

Accelerate your application development


It has been a bit quiet on our blog for a longer time. Urs and I were pretty busy raising a new child. We long dreamed about a general overhaul of our pet project bbv.Common. We have long been searching for a cool name which reflects the ideas behind the library. Now it is time to announce the final release version of the renamed bbv.Common. Drum roll… Appccelerate is a library which helps you accelerate your .NET application development. The libraries are based upon real world experience...

The repository anti pattern clarified


In my last post I showed the transformation from the generic repository to the unit of work pattern only. I received an interesting question in the comment section. Looks nice so far. But didn’t you mix up and simplify things a little bit too much here? For me the Repository is the separation of Domain Objects and Persistent Entities. It’s also a separation of the client from the used persistency technology (either NHibernate, EF, SharePoint, ADO.NET, WebService or whatever). As client side...

What is that all about the repository anti pattern?


There are a lot of discussions going on about the repository pattern. I also started one at the last usergroup meeting together with Julie Lerman. Generally the generic repository is considered an anti pattern as stated by Greg Young, he offers a solution by applying a composition pattern to maximize code reuse. Mike from SapiensWork even calls it a complete anti pattern. Ayende calls it since a long time the new singleton. Ayende also suggests in his older articles to either use directly...

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