
How we do the Daily Scrum in my team


In a typical Daily Scrum, every team answers the three questions about what was done, what is next and which impediments there are. We moved away from this form of Daily Scrum because it is not very efficient and not focused on Sprint Backlog items. It’s not efficient because we do a lot of pair programming and several team members work on the same User Story at once. Therefore, some team members could only say “I did the same as already said”. This way of doing the Daily...

16 ideas about what a Scrum Master can do to improve team performance


I started blogging about ideas for agile teams at 101 ideas for agile teams, check it out. cross-post from bbv Blog This is a list of actions that Scrum Masters at bbv Software Services AG have applied successfully in their teams to improve performance (= how much gets done in an amount of time). Please note that these actions were created to respond to specific problems found in real world projects. They may not be applicable in general in any situation. I’d be happy to read your...

Ehe – erklärt für Scrum Practitioners


Scrum, ein agiles Prozess-Framework, wird von Scrum Fanatikern gerne in allen Lebenssituationen appliziert. Daher liegt es nahe, dass Scrum auch auf die Ehe (besonders, beim Lebensbund zweier Scrum Practitioners) Anwendung findet.
Dieses Standardwerk zeigt wie Scrum auf eine Ehe appliziert werden kann.

Code Quality! Building code you won’t curse tomorrow.


These are the slides and comments of a presentation I held for bbv Software services AG. The presentation is about how we get quality into our code. Buzzwords: Fokus, frequent measurements, strong team, clean code, pair programming, test driven development, acceptance tests, continuous integration, collective code ownership, team learning. Urs Enzler Senior Software Architect bbv Software Services AG urs.enzler _at_ bbv.ch  (replace _at_ with @) www.bbv.ch Copyright © 2010 bbv Software Services...

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