Yesterday, I found an interesting page (in German) describing some of the most important patterns and practices in software development:
Although I’m not a fan of wrist bands (see the linked page to see for yourself), I like the page for its short description of patterns and practices like:
- Don’t repeat yourself
- keep it simple stupid
- single responsibility pattern
- separation of concerns
- interface segregation principle
- dependency injection principle
- Liskov substitution principle
- open close principle
- law of Demeter
- principle of least astonishment
- you ain’t gonna need it
- use a version control system
- issue tracking
- continuous integration
- automated tests
- mocking
- code coverage
- test first
- reviews
- and some more
If you are looking for a source in English then I recommend reading Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# by Robert C. Martin:
At the moment, I am also reading the book “Clean Code” from Robert C. Martin. It is very recommendable!