How to suppress exceptions with fluent assertions

Imagine you need to code the following requirements:

  • When an exception is thrown the transaction must be rolled back
  • The thrown exception must be rethrown

The productive code could look like:

public class SomeComponent
   public void Do() {
      ITransaction tx = this.session.BeginTransaction();
      try {
      } catch(DataException e) {

Now how would you write the requirements above in two separate unit tests? Here comes FluentAssertions into the play.

We just write a little extension method which ignores a specific kind of exception type and hook it up just after the fluent assertions extension method “Invoking”.

    public static class CustomAssertionExtensions
        public static void IgnoreAnyExceptions<TException>(this Action action)
            where TException : Exception

And here the test code which uses it.

    public class SomeComponentTest
        private ITransaction transaction;
        private ISession session;
        private SomeComponent testee;

        public void SetUp()
            this.transaction = A.Fake<ITransaction>();
            this.session = A.Fake<ISession>();

            this.testee = new SomeComponent(this.session);

        public void WhenExceptionOccurs_ShouldRollbackTransaction()
            A.CallTo(() => this.session.Save(A<object>.Ignored)).Throws(new DataException());

            this.testee.Invoking(t => t.Execute()).IgnoreAnyExceptions<DataException>();

            A.CallTo(() => this.transaction.Rollback()).MustHaveHappened();

        public void WhenExceptionOccurs_ShouldRethrow()
            A.CallTo(() => this.session.Save(A<object>.Ignored)).Throws(new DataException());

            this.testee.Invoking(t => t.Execute()).ShouldThrow<DataException>();

        private void SetupSessionReturnsTransaction()
            A.CallTo(() => this.session.BeginTransaction()).Returns(this.transaction);

Hope this helps. I suggest you check out fluent assertions! Have fun. By the way the example was written using FakeItEasy. Be sure to check it out too!

About the author

Daniel Marbach

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