I just released the newest stable release of Machine.Specifications. The newest stable release contains the version number 0.7.0. What has changed in this release? There is one big change and in fact this is the only relevant change for the users of the library:
- The should extensions have been decoupled into its own nuget package!
Machine.Specifications used to ship directly with its own ShouldExtensions. This was a bit of a pain for people using other assertion libraries like FluentAssertions. I personally prefer also FluentAssertions over other assertion libraries and even over the Machine.Specifications ShouldExtensions. In the past the internally shipped ShouldExtensions would “pollute” IntelliSense for example if you use FluentAssertions. This is now resolved!
The following nuget packages are now available:
- Machine.Specifications
- Machine.Specifications-Signed
- Machine.Specifications.Should
- Machine.Specifications.Should-Signed
Read the following instruction carefully!
If you are a user of the Machine.Specifications ShouldExtensions then upgrade by installing the Machine.Specifications.Should or -Signed package. This has a dependency to Machine.Specifications. I’ve seen issues with nuget that installs a pretty old version especially with the signed package. This seems to be a nuget bug. If this happens just upgrade the Machine.Specifications package in Visual Studio manually afterwards.
If you are a user of for example FluentAssertions then just upgrade the Machine.Specifications or -Signed package and you’ll never see the extension in IntelliSense again (unless you install the package 😉 ).
If you have any issues please use the official github issue tracker.
Happy coding!