Machine.Specifications 0.8.0 released

I just released the newest stable release of Machine.Specifications. The newest stable release contains the version number 0.8.0. What has changed in this release?

  • Resharper 8.2 support
  • dotCover 2.7 support
  • dotCover 2.0 to 2.2 support dropped
  • Resharper 6.0 to 7.0 support dropped

I decided to drop the support for the old versions of dotCover and Resharper. In the future I will only support two versions of Resharper back. Because there is an issue regarding thread appartments with the Resharper 8 Mspec plugin the Resharper 7.1 Mspec plugin is still supported.

If you have any issues please use the official issue tracker.

Happy specs

About the author

Daniel Marbach


By Daniel Marbach

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