In the last post, I showed how you could run integration tests inside Service Fabric. The approach I showed has one mature problem: It is not possible to reliably run these tests from within your favourite IDE of choices like Visual Studio or Jetbrains Rider. Today I’ll show you a more sophisticated approach to run tests inside Service Fabric including support to run the tests from within any IDE that allows running NUnit tests.
Here is a short video how it looks like. The video is without sound.
The demo shows the following parts
- A complex test fixture
- Using reliable state manager
- Using ignore attribute
- A simple test fixture
- Using console output
- Assert.Ignore
- Assert.Inconclusive
- A failing test
- How environment variables get automatically promoted to the process running the tests
- How tests get automagically deployed and undeployed from the service fabric cluster
And here the same with Jetbrains Rider (for the nitpickers 😉 )
In the next posts I’m going to dive into how the approach works and what individual pieces it consists off.
[…] my last post, I gave a quick overview how running tests inside Service Fabric looks like both from Visual […]