Azure Service Bus .NET SDK Deep Dive – Content

In this post series I’m going to dive into the Azure Service Bus .NET SDK and how you can leverage its capabilities to create robust and reliable code that access Azure Service Bus. This series will cover


  1. Creating queues
  2. Sending a message
  3. Receiving a message
  4. Connections
  5. Scheduling
  6. Expiry
  7. Deadlettering
  8. Forwarding
  9. Publish / Subscribe with Topics
  10. Topologies
  11. Atomic Sends
  12. Sender side batching
  13. Send Via
  14. Runtime Information
  15. TransferDLQ
  16. Sessions
  17. Message Deduplication

The series of posts will assume that you are already a bit familiar with Azure Service Bus and what it has to offer as a service but haven’t had the time to dive into writing code to work with the service.

The posts will show the relevant code pieces and discuss them in depth were deemed required. All code samples in the series of posts are executable and available on my github account should you wish to dig deeper or already speed ahead. To work with the code you need an environment variable called AzureServiceBus_ConnectionString that points to an Azure Service Bus Standard namespace connection string with manage rights (ability to create queues, topic and subscriptions).

To demonstrate certain effects Service Bus Explorer is used to interact with the namespace used to write this blog post series.

This post will be continuously updated with links to the subsequent posts once they are available.


About the author

Daniel Marbach


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