Target audience: Softwarearchitekten Urs’ comment: Ich habe in letzer Zeit einige Bücher zu Softwarearchitektur gelesen, dieses hier ist aber mit Abstand das Beste. Es deckt einerseits ab, welche Aufgaben ein Architekt wahrzunehmen hat, andererseits beschreibt es das Vorgehen bei Erstellung, Dokumentation und Bewertung von Softwarearchitekturen. Auch technische Konzepte zur Persistenz, Kommunikation usw. kommen nicht zu kurz. Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über viele...
Book review: Management 3.0 – leading agile developers, developing agile leaders by Jurgen Appelo
Target audience: managers, people who have to deal with managers (aka everyone 🙂 Urs’ comment: A very interesting book. I’m no manager so I read the book to get ideas about how to nag my managers about how they should work 😉 The book is entertaining and very cleverly written. It covers topics from how to energize people and empower teams over how to align constraints and develop competence to growing structure and improving everything. If you want to read a book about management in...
Book review: Design Driven Testing – Test Smarter, Not Harder by Matt Stephens and Doug Rosenberg
Target audience: developers
Urs’ comment: For short: I don’t like this book. Longer: There are some good ideas in the book. For example that there are different levels of testing needed (unit testing, acceptance testing, manual testing), but the authors lack expertise in Test Driven Development and design skills. Both results in a book with too many strange statements. There are far better books about developer testing out there, so simply skip this one.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4302-2943-8
Book review: ATDD by Example – A practical guide to acceptance test-driven development by Markus Gärtner
Target audience: testers, developers, project managers, Agile coaches Urs’ comment: This book is a great introduction to ATDD and provides very good guidance and examples. Its 212 pages are read well and quickly. So if you are new to ATDD, you should read this book. If you are already familiar with ATDD and specifying by example, the third part provides some more in detail stuff like team collaboration and refactoring of tests. The only thing I miss is a wider look at approaches to ATDD...
Book review: Bridging the Communication Gap – Specification by example and agile acceptance testing by Gojiko Adzic
Target audience: Product Owners, Business Analysts, Software Developers, Testers Urs’ comment: The first half of the book is great. Gojiko Adzic explains how agile acceptance tests can be used to foster communication between business and development, and gives a guideline how to process from gathering requirements to implementing acceptance criteria as executable specifications. The second half covers tools, my advice is to simply skip it. Don’t get me wrong here, you should really...
Book review: Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce
Target audience: Software Developers Urs’ comment: The book shows how to use Test Driven Development in real-world applications. Unlike most books, the samples are not algorithmic but show scenarios that a developer is confronted with in daily business. It starts with the basics and ends with advanced scenarios like testing persistence, multi-threading and asynchronous code. The main focus lies on testing classes interacting with other classes and how to handle these dependencies...
Book review: Driving Technical Change – Why People on Your Team Don’t Act on Good Ideas, and How to Convince Them They Should by Terrence Ryan
Target audience: Everyone wanting change Urs’ comment: I really like this book. It’s thin (I read it in three days), it’s full of good advise, it’s written in an entertaining style, it gives my a toolbox that I can start using now. The book categorizes the skeptics into 7 distinct types: Uninformed, Herd, Cynic, Burned, Time Crunched, Boss and Irrational. Afterwards Terrence Ryan shows us a catalogue of techniques how to handle these skeptics. Finally, the book concludes...
Book review: Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET by Jimmy Nilsson
Target audience: Software Developers, Software Architects Daniel’s comment: As the title of the book states it is all about applying domain driven design and patterns. The author of the book as a huge understanding of how to develop a whole set of domain driven design and patterns by applying test first paradigms. As the book evolves the code evolves with it. I wanted to start with domain driven design and was looking for a practical approach to it. I definitely found it in the book...
Book review: xUnit Test Patterns – Refactoring Test Code by Gerard Meszaros
Target audience: Software Developers Urs’ comment: As the back cover says, this is the definitive guide to test automation. If you really want to know all you can know about unit testing then this is your book. However, this book does not come for free. Reading is hard because it’s not exactly written like a block buster. It took me over six months of hard work to get through it (even with skipping some sections). Therefore, if you want to learn unit testing then you better start...
Book review: The Art of Unit Testing – with Examples in .NET by Roy Osherove
Target audience: Developers Daniel’s comment: Roy gives away the best tips for successfully unit test your .NET code without using too much evangelism. The book is founded on Roy’s immense experience as a TDD developer and coach and is a must read for every new team member in your .NET projects! Urs’ comment: Probably the best book ever written about unit testing in.NET (or even in general). However, I must say that I do not agree on some things written in it. But that’s...