
The Tools we use in our Projects


I get often asked which tools we use in our projects. Therefore, I’m listing all of them here in this post. I’m using the project bbv.Common as an example because you can download the source code and look for yourself how some tools are used. The main differences in the tool chain between our different projects is due to the source code repository that is used: Subversion, TFS or Git. bbv.Common uses Git and therefore the tools in this list will be the Git tools but you can easily find...

Workaround for WP7 GetMethod reflection


WP7 currently has a bug which does not allow to call GetMethod and GetMethods if the type has a overridden generic method or the requested method is a overridden generic method. In this post I will show how to workaround this Bug.

Using VS2010 integrated fxcop in continuous integration


In our projects we heavily rely on the Microsoft FxCop engine. FxCop prevents us from making stupid programming mistakes like forgetting to dispose a disposable object etc. For a long time we used the FxCop engine 10.0 which has a command line integration for continuous integration environments. Lately we discovered that the VS2010 integrated FxCop has a much stronger analysis engine and more rule sets which could improve our code base even further. But how do you get the VS2010 integrated...

Continuous Integration with Sql Compact 4.0


In our project we are using Sql Compact 4.0 for testing the nhibernate mappings and our queries. In production environment we use Sql Server 2008 Express R2, therefore we thought that Sql Compact 4.0 is as close as it can get for a file database. Recently we moved our continuous integration system from to jetbrain’s teamcity 6. The teamcity agent is installed on a Windows 2003 R2 x64 server. But our unit tests accessing sql compact 4.0 didn’t work on teamcity! Let’s look...

Building Ninject / Ninject Extensions Without Git


We received the following question about building Ninject: I’ve downloaded the source files for both context extensions and namedscopes (Ninject) and have followed the instructions in "how to build.txt" exactly, but I cannot get either NAnt script to build. I keep getting an error from git saying "get-git-revision: [exec] fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git BUILD FAILED – 0 non-fatal error(s), 1 warning(s)" what gives? what do I...

MsBuild and document include tags => Annoying bug


I was developing a large wrapper library for some classes from System.IO. I wanted to use the original documentation from mscorlib for my wrapper classes because the methods and properties only wrap the underlying components from System.IO. This is easily possible with the document include tag.
But there is a bug in the latest msbuild version which can drive you nuts if you don’t know what to look for.

VS2010 Search + Replace to the rescue


I’m currently working porting a library into another open source project. As I have heavily extended the library my primary goal was to make it work and then compliant to the coding guidelines. A lot of my code contained in the library had automatically generated (with R#) interface implementations which contained blank lines between the curly braces. As you might know this is not StyleCop compliant. Wonderfully I was able to address the issues with the VS2010 Search + Replace dialog and tagged...

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