
Our journey to F#: The effect of F# on our (unit) tests


On our journey from C# to F#, we were at a point where we changed our (unit) testing strategy. Our approach just didn’t feel right anymore. We struggled to do TDD because we didn’t get the tests to fail first. We wrote tests that didn’t increase our confidence and started thinking of them as waste.

This post is part of the F# Advent Calendar 2021 
Thanks to Sergey Tihon for organising the Advent Calendar.

Book review: Effective Debugging – 66 Specific Ways to Debug Software and Systems by Diomidis Spinellis


Target audience: developers Philipp’s comment: Effective Debugging contains 66 recipes that show you how to track, find and fix bugs with less headaches. The recipes are neatly grouped into chapters. Every recipe has a Things to Remember section at the end which wraps up the described technique. Some of the recipes are very basic and should be in every developer’s arsenal; at least after having read the book. Some recipes are meant for the hard to crack cases while some may seem...

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