
Mocking Adventures with NMock2: Stubs Advanced


NMock2 is a library for assisting test driven development of .NET code by providing a dynamic mock object creation framework.
In my last post on NMock2, I introduced the new Stub feature of NMock2 and its basic usage. In the second part, we are going to have a look at the advanced possibilities of the Stub mock style:

Define Mock Style Of Nested Mocks
Define Default Values

NMock2 Documentation Now On MediaWiki


Due to changes on and its hosted applications, the documentation of NMock2 – a library for assisting test driven development of .NET code by providing a dynamic Mock Object framework for .NET interfaces and classes (virtual and abstract members of classes) – has been moved from WikiSpaces to MediaWiki.
You can check it out at

Mocking Adventures with NMock2: Stubs


NMock2 is a library for assisting test driven development of .NET code by providing a dynamic mock object creation framework. In this article, I’m going to show you the basics of the new stub feature in NMock2. Note that this feature is currently only available on the development trunk in the subversion repository at . Therefore, the features discussed here may change for the next official release. Stubs can be used in scenarios where you have to test an instance of a class (let’s call this...

Windows 7 features videos


As some of you might already know Windows 7 is now released for manufacturing and will soon be available. Eric Ligman provides on the Microsoft SMB Community Blog a nice set of cool videos about the new features of Windows 7 such as User State Migration Tool, BranchCache, Direct Access, User Account Control (UAC) and many more. I recommend his blog post for everyone who wants a deeper insight into the exciting features of Windows 7.

Custom StyleCop Rules


Microsoft’s StyleCop is a code style and consistency analysis tool for C#. The tool integrates into the Visual Studio IDE, or can be run on the command line. StyleCop ships with a default set of rules enforcing common style guidelines.
This article describes how to write custom StyleCop rules.

Event Broker Performance


I wondered about the performance of my event broker (CodeProject article) implementation in bbv.Common. Event Broker: a notification component for synchronous and asynchronous, loosely coupled event handling. Therefore, I implemented a quick performance test application that prints out the timings for Plain .NET events Event over Event Broker Event over Event Broker with logging extension enabled Event over Event Broker with a matching matcher on the subscriber Event over Event Broker with a...

Ask a Geek Question, most useful mac os x apps.


Martin one of our famous blog readers submitted a wish, … He would love to see a list of of the most useful mac os x apps. I know there are lots of other sites on the web taking care of it already, but hey guys its a growing community. Well keep up your great work. Martin.
The question is not so easy answered though. Mac OS X leopard has already most of the things I need built-in. But there are still some. Let us start with some basic tools I use.

Use Enum’s with caution


In C# the class Enum is often used. Some geek’s argue that the Enum’s “improve code clarity and and reduce the probability of invalid values. … Enum’s are self-documenting.
Enum’s should be used with caution, since some things are not straight-forward. The following article will show you where to be cautious.

Strange Java 1.6.0 update 14 debugging problem


A few days ago, we upgraded the jdk we use for development. After this some developers experienced a special problem with our eclipse while debugging. When they set a breakpoint, eclipse did not stop. After a try and error phase we found a working solution. The problem disappeared when we set the vm parameter -Xms (define initial size of heap) to a higher value for the jvm inside eclipse. In our case we set -Xms to -Xms256m. We still do not know why this solution works. But we thought...

Net App filer in Vmware


For a project I have to learn some of the specialty of an iScsi NAS. To be precise it was Net App FAS 2500 Filer. These things are very nice but a little too expensive for my personal use. But Net App offers a nice simulator of their product and the simulator is free. You just need to create an account on the Net App web site and search for the word ”simulator” or just follow this link. (). Some bloody side note: the website doesn’t work fine with safari. Just use Firefox and...

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