
Packet Analyzer on ESX Server


Last week I needed to analyze traffic form a Virtual Server hosted on a ESX machine. Normally this job would be a piece of cake if the server has his own NIC. But the way with an “old” hub or with an port mirror (port spanning) do not work with a vSwich (a virtual switch on the ESX server).

Create your own hamcrest matcher


If you are familiar with hamcrest and JUnit the time will come when you have the need to create your own matchers. Creating your own matcher can be as simple as useful. One reason for creating your own matcher could be that your object is not a default object like a String or a Collection. And if you would like to get a more readable version of the assert for the next developer who has to read your test. Let’s make an example. If you have an object with two methods; “getName”...

Easier JUnit testing with hamcrest


Have you ever thought that JUnit assertions are not really readable and do not correspond to natural language? It is a mess that the expected value is the first argument on an assert? This would not be like the spoken language where you would say “assert that this value is equal to this expected one” ? Or have you had tests where the expected value and the value to test were inverted? In this case you have not found an old friend of JUnit called hamcrest.

How to Unit Test Finite State Machines


We use a lot of state machines in our projects. We use them for abstracting instruments that we control, controlling when user input controls have to be enabled or disabled and for other things. State machines are great for these kind of tasks (much easier that nested switch statements anyway) but they provide a big challenge when developing software test driven. This is due to the fact that they are of course very state full and often active (running on their own worker thread). Here are some...

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