We received the following Ask-a-geek question from Patrick: I have the following scenario. MVC Application using Ninject and Moq for the unit tests. We do some additional Tests using Selenium which testes JS etc. So the scenario we want to test is, that in a TestMethod we start IIS Express with the MVC project. Start selenium and do the clicks, check the results. That works all perfect. Now we have a call to a third party webservice from our repository. In our unittests we used MOQ to mock that...
Why I like Ninject for Acceptance Testing (.NET Dependency Injection Container)
Lately, I wrote quite a lot of acceptance tests. I simulate that the application is started-up and perform all features requested by our customer to make sure that they work as expected. In order to make these tests fast so that they can be run on every commit to the version control system, I simulate all interaction with the environment of the application: views, database, file system, registry, share point and so on. To get the most out of these acceptance tests, I want to fake as little as...
Code Quality! Building code you won’t curse tomorrow.
These are the slides and comments of a presentation I held for bbv Software services AG. The presentation is about how we get quality into our code. Buzzwords: Fokus, frequent measurements, strong team, clean code, pair programming, test driven development, acceptance tests, continuous integration, collective code ownership, team learning. Urs Enzler Senior Software Architect bbv Software Services AG urs.enzler _at_ bbv.ch (replace _at_ with @) www.bbv.ch Copyright © 2010 bbv Software Services...