Target audience: developers Philipp’s comment: Effective Debugging contains 66 recipes that show you how to track, find and fix bugs with less headaches. The recipes are neatly grouped into chapters. Every recipe has a Things to Remember section at the end which wraps up the described technique. Some of the recipes are very basic and should be in every developer’s arsenal; at least after having read the book. Some recipes are meant for the hard to crack cases while some may seem...
VS 2012 Debugger Visualizer for Aspose.Words
In my current project I’m working with Aspose.Words for .NET to create documents. Aspose.Words works very well for what I have to do. Though when it comes to debugging it starts being inefficient. It’s just a fact that a Word document has a fairly complex object model that has very deep object hierarchies with all its sections, headers, tables, paragraphs etc. This makes it cumbersome to navigate within the document and understand what the document you are inspecting really looks...
Strange Java 1.6.0 update 14 debugging problem
A few days ago, we upgraded the jdk we use for development. After this some developers experienced a special problem with our eclipse while debugging. When they set a breakpoint, eclipse did not stop. After a try and error phase we found a working solution. The problem disappeared when we set the vm parameter -Xms (define initial size of heap) to a higher value for the jvm inside eclipse. In our case we set -Xms to -Xms256m. We still do not know why this solution works. But we thought...