
DynamicInvoke for CF 2.0


March 22nd, 2009 at 22:14 Ryan Rogers This solution only works for .Net CF prior to 3.5 as the Target and Method properites did not exist before that. Any ideas how to “fake” DynamicInvoke for CF 2.0? I am using extension methods through the ExtensionAttribute trick.Delegatedynamicinvoke-for-net-compact-framework Hello Ryan, The problem is that the .NET compact framework 2.0 is lacking some really important functionality. What we can get by using ugly reflection code is the target object where...

Delegate.DynamicInvoke for .NET Compact Framework


As you might already know I’m a certified windows mobile application developer. My speciality is hybrid application development for applications which target both the full .NET framework platform and also the mobile platform. Of course nobody wants to write the same code for each platform again so you have to come up with some tricks and solutions to overcome some limitations on the compact framework.

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