
Book review: Lean Architecture – for Agile Software Development by Jamey O. Coplien & Gertrud Bjornvig


Target audience: software architects Urs’ comment: This book claims a lot, and delivers little. There are several good tips in this book, but overall I simply don’t like it. I don’t like the “tone” it is written in. There are only few books about Agile and Lean software architecture, therefore I cannot really give a better alternative covering the same topic. Ultimately,  that means you have to read it in case you are in any kind responsible for the architecture in...

Book review: This is Lean – Resolving the efficiency paradox by Niklas Modig & Pär Ahlström


Target audience: anybody interested in lean Urs’ comment: I heard and read a lot about lean during the last years. I heard about eliminating waste, Toyota, lean architecture and much more. This book helped me understand what lean actually is, and what it’s not. I like the samples and stories and the clear distinction of values, principles, methods, tools and activities. It’s a quick and nice read, so there is no excuse to not read it – in case you want to use the...

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