
Obscure reactions within terminal client


Since we use the new terminal client from microsoft we register sometimes obscure reactions. For example: program flipping while pressing the tab key solo, get the dialog which is shown normally pressing ‘Ctr-Alt-Del’ while pressing the delete key solo.

Multiscreen with microsoft terminal client


Since a few months I’m working in a new project where we have remote PC’s for developing. Since they updated the clients from Windows XP SP1 to SP3 we we have the new remote desktop client. Now it’s possible to show the terminal client on two monitors (or a monitor with a resolution over 1600×1200). We just had to do the following: create a Shortcut to mstsc.exe add as params /w:2560 (The screen witdth) /h:1024 (The screen height) /v:hostname The link will look like this:...

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