Agile UI Development in .NET: The Big Picture


In the last two posts of this series (table of contents) I explained the need for a new UI design pattern: changeability and extensibility.
In this post, I’ll throw a big diagram in your face without much explanation. The reason for this is that I want to give you the big picture before I start digging into details in the following posts of this series. You can always come back here to see where we are.
The Big Picture

Prio 2009 in Munich


Just a quick announcement that I’m going to have a speech at the Prio 2009 in Munich on October 28. or 29. 2009. The main topic of the Prio conference this year is “User Interface”. I’m going to talk about UI development the TDD way and show how to use the Passive-View-Command pattern for better testability, extendibility and changeability. I’m touching a lot of topics in this session: MVVM – Model View ViewModel pattern WPF commands and “normal” command pattern Unity – Inversion of Control...

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