
The particular service platform – Commands and things under the hood


In my last post I showed how to deploy endpoints and to subscribe for events. In this post I’ll cover how to send commands and what ServiceMatrix does for you under the hood. In order to send a command we apply apply almost the same steps as when publishing an event. We create two undeployed components named AscensionManagement (the sender of the command) and RecruitementOffice (the receiver of the command). The command is we want to send is called AscendToHeaven (number 2 in the overview...

The particular service platform – Deploying to endpoints and subscribing for events


In my last post I showed how to create a service and a publisher. In this blogpost I will show how to subscribe to messages and how to deploy components to endpoints. In my blogposts about CompositeUI for Service Oriented Systems I called about services or “things”. I don’t cover that theory here. I encourage you to read those blogposts. Before we can deploy the undeployed component WarehouseRaid we need to create a hosting component for that. This can be done by clicking on...

The particular service platform – ServiceMatrix sample and introduction


In my last post I talked about the particular service platform and how close it is being released. This time I can happily say that it has been released! The particular team did its magic and pushed the whole platform out. You already got a sneak peak at the installation process. This time I will cover ServiceMatrix and show you how easy it is to build a distributed system based on NServiceBus with ServiceMatrix. The sample I will use throughout the blog posts is based on the Hollywood movie...

The particular service platform introduction


You have already heard me talking or at least read a blog post about NServiceBus from me 😉 The next big release from particular software is just around the corner! This time it is not just another version of NServiceBus. No, it is a whole platform or toolset you can use to build up complex distributed systems based on NServiceBus. I give you a brief overview over the platform and then dive into ServiceMatrix. Let’s get started!

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