
The solution: Formbased access to sharepoint by WebDav


In the first post of this serie I describe the problem which can be read here. In the second post of this serie I explained how the problem was analyzed using Live HTTP Headers which can be read here. In this post I want to present you a possible solution how to achieve a succesful login on a sharepoint server which uses form based authorization. The WebDavSession from the ITHit component has unfortunately no public interface to set cookies from the outside (although I’m in contact with...

The analyzation: Formbased access to sharepoint by WebDav


In the previous post I described the problem of accessing WebDav resources by using WebDav on a sharepoint server which has enabled form based authentication. The basic idea behind the solution is actually quite easy: When accessing the sharepoint portal on the external zone with the ASP.NET membership accounts you have to fill out the login form with your credentials. When you click on the “Sign In” button a HTTP Post is sent to the server containing some uniquely generated IDs for...

The problem: Formbased access to sharepoint by WebDav


In one of my projects I’m currently using WebDav to communicate to a sharepoint server. To minimize the developing costs regarding WebDav and to speed up the project I evaluated a nice library from ITHit which fully implements WebDAV RFC 2518 and DeltaV RFC 3253. The library is pretty straight forward to use and implemented in TDD manor. The cool thing also about this library is that resources and items from the remote location are returned as interfaces which really simplifies testing in...

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