
Better way of running integration tests inside Service Fabric


In the last post, I showed how you could run integration tests inside Service Fabric. The approach I showed has one mature problem: It is not possible to reliably run these tests from within your favourite IDE of choices like Visual Studio or Jetbrains Rider. Today I’ll show you a more sophisticated approach to run tests inside Service Fabric including support to run the tests from within any IDE that allows running NUnit tests. Here is a short video how it looks like. The video is...

Running integration tests inside Service Fabric


I’m currently diving into Service Fabric. One of the difficult things that you’ll be faced with when you write code against the Service Fabric APIs is how you can integration test those components. Infrastructure like the reliable state manager is only available inside Service Fabric. So somehow you need to run the tests that are testing the components that use infrastructure like reliable state manager inside the cluster. In this post, I show you an approach which allows running...

Create your own hamcrest matcher


If you are familiar with hamcrest and JUnit the time will come when you have the need to create your own matchers. Creating your own matcher can be as simple as useful. One reason for creating your own matcher could be that your object is not a default object like a String or a Collection. And if you would like to get a more readable version of the assert for the next developer who has to read your test. Let’s make an example. If you have an object with two methods; “getName”...

No more development, TDD begins with MoreUnit


Do you program or do you already TDD? 🙂
If you prefer to do TDD you will love the eclipse plug-in called MoreUnit. It is as simple as powerful. All it does is executing tests from corresponding productive class and makes it very simple to change between them.
Just press Ctrl-J (like Jump) to jump from test to implementing class and the other way. Or press Ctrl-R (like Run) to run the test regardless if you are in the test or the implementation class.

Create mocks with mockito


This is a small summarization what the differences are between the different variations creating mocks with mockito. Null values (default) Per default, after creating a mock, every method will return null. Just create your mock with: I think, this is very useful and straight forward. (And based by mockito developers idea, to create very fast a mock for testing). Sometimes it is very difficult to determine an error which was produced through such a null value. For this case it is very...

Code Quality! Building code you won’t curse tomorrow.


These are the slides and comments of a presentation I held for bbv Software services AG. The presentation is about how we get quality into our code. Buzzwords: Fokus, frequent measurements, strong team, clean code, pair programming, test driven development, acceptance tests, continuous integration, collective code ownership, team learning. Urs Enzler Senior Software Architect bbv Software Services AG urs.enzler _at_ bbv.ch  (replace _at_ with @) www.bbv.ch Copyright © 2010 bbv Software Services...

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