
Windows7, Resharper 5.1, VS2010 and xunit.contrib problem


Just a short notice. If you are using Resharper 5.1 under Windows7 and xunit.contrib and your unit tests are not executed anymore in VS2010 you need to check the following: Close all running VS2010 instances Upgrade to latest xunit.contrib for Resharper 5.1 If you have xunit.contrib under Program Files\Jetbrains\Resharper\..\Bin\Plugins then move them to [Root]:\Users\[YourUser]\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\ReSharper\v5.1\vs10.0\Plugins\XunitContrib Open VS2010 again and you should be able to run...

Rumors about Windows Mobile 6.5


There are rumors going around on the internet about the release of windows mobile 6.5. Some say that windows mobile 6.5 is never going to be released but other strongly believe that the new windows mobile 6.5 will be released soon.
Not long ago people were blogging on the internet that Microsoft is probably going to focus on windows 7 and it’s integration into the newest mobile devices. But that has not been approved by Microsoft.

Windows 7


Since a week I am using Windows 7 and until now, I am really satisfied. Windows 7 feels much faster than Vista and it’s something like a fine tuned Vista.
Here you can read the most notable new features:

For further information, you will find here a good walkthrough:

Windows 7


It’s new, It’s hot, It’s Seven and It’s in Beta. The new version of the Microsoft Client Operating System. Since the 10 of January the beat version can be obtained from  www.microsoft.com. So lets take a short look to the new philosopher’s stone of Microsoft. In this little Video you can see the Installation of Windows Seven. Take a special look to the Hard drive Partitioning and to the new Homegroupe feature.

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