AuthorUrs Enzler

Myths about F#: We can’t use F# because we can’t rewrite everything from C#! You don’t have to, use Interop.


Most code running on .Net is written in C#. So when you consider writing some code in F#, you probably already have a good amount of C# code. C# code you want to keep. It probably doesn’t make economic sense to port C# code to F#.

The good news is that you can start using F# anyway. F# and C# have excellent interoperability.

Myths about F#: We tried FP in C#, and it’s unreadable! Yes, but that’s where F# shines.


Just today, I read on a social media platform that the author doesn’t like that most programming languages incorporate more and more functional features. The post was accompanied by a short example of pattern matching in C# using some of the features introduced in the latest updates. More generally, I hear and read repeatedly from people that tried to write code in a more functional programming style in C# but weren’t happy with the resulting code. The code was just too hard to read...

Myths about F#: Imperative code is simpler than functional code! No, not at all, but you are more used to it.


A myth about F# that I hear repeatedly is that imperative code (e.g. loops) is simpler than functional code (e.g. folds). On one hand, simplicity is very subjective. On the other hand, simplicity is mostly determined by familiarity.

A typically used example is something like the following:



Let’s see what’s wrong with this myth.

Myths about F#: F# is for FP, C# for OOP! No, F# loves OO.


Sometimes when I talk to C# developers about F#, they say they don’t want to switch to a functional programming language. When I reply that F# is my favourite object-oriented programming language, they look a bit puzzled. They typically think that F# is for functional programming, while C# is for object-oriented programming. And this is wrong!

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