
Book review: Effective Debugging – 66 Specific Ways to Debug Software and Systems by Diomidis Spinellis


Target audience: developers Philipp’s comment: Effective Debugging contains 66 recipes that show you how to track, find and fix bugs with less headaches. The recipes are neatly grouped into chapters. Every recipe has a Things to Remember section at the end which wraps up the described technique. Some of the recipes are very basic and should be in every developer’s arsenal; at least after having read the book. Some recipes are meant for the hard to crack cases while some may seem...

Book review: The Sketchnote Workbook: Advanced techniques for taking visual notes you can use anywhere by Mike Rhode


Target audience: everyone
Urs’ comment: A quick read full of examples on how sketchnotes can help you in many situations. I used the book mainly as inspiration on how to improve my own sketchotes. Not as good as the first book by Mike Rhode on sketchnotes, but worthwile.
P.S. did I really miss to write a review on his first book? Hmmmm.
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-383171-9

Book review: Code Simplicity by Max Kanat-Alexander


Target audience: developers Urs’ comment: A short, simple book about what makes software complex, how to prevent that and therefore keep software simple. This book contains rules and facts about software regarding code simplicity. The problem of the book is that either you probably know most of its content or you think that it doesn’t work anyway (I got this impression while reading through the reviews on Amazon). Anyway, I think it is worth the time and helps to reflect on...

Book review: Dependency injection in .NET by Mark Seemann


Target audience: .NET developers
Urs’ comment: This book explains Dependency Inject very well: from concepts over patterns and anti-pattern to specific libraries. Read it when you use any kind of Dependency Injection in your .NET project.
The only sad thing is that Ninject is not part of the book 😉
ISBN: 9781935182504

Book review: Lean Architecture – for Agile Software Development by Jamey O. Coplien & Gertrud Bjornvig


Target audience: software architects Urs’ comment: This book claims a lot, and delivers little. There are several good tips in this book, but overall I simply don’t like it. I don’t like the “tone” it is written in. There are only few books about Agile and Lean software architecture, therefore I cannot really give a better alternative covering the same topic. Ultimately,  that means you have to read it in case you are in any kind responsible for the architecture in...

Book review: This is Lean – Resolving the efficiency paradox by Niklas Modig & Pär Ahlström


Target audience: anybody interested in lean Urs’ comment: I heard and read a lot about lean during the last years. I heard about eliminating waste, Toyota, lean architecture and much more. This book helped me understand what lean actually is, and what it’s not. I like the samples and stories and the clear distinction of values, principles, methods, tools and activities. It’s a quick and nice read, so there is no excuse to not read it – in case you want to use the...

Book review RavenDB High Performance


 I was excited when I got the chance to review the book RavenDB High Performance from Packtpub. Because we are using RavenDB in production. The title itself High Performance gave me the impression that this book is all about micro optimizing RavenDB by tweaking internals of RavenDB. I was quite surprised when I detected that this book takes another approach. The first chapter starts with introducing what a document database is and explains in a few words the RavenDB architecture. In my point of...

Book review: Learning NServiceBus


Many of the developers diving into the world of distributed systems are looking for a library or framework, which helps them to get started quickly. Usually they seek a better replacement for their existing Remote Procedure Call Technology. NServiceBus seems to fit into that space and offers a whole new world to discover. However, NServiceBus is more than just a framework! It incorporates in its core many years of experience building distributed systems and has been adopted throughout the globe...

Book review: Knigge für Softwarearchitekten von Peter Hruschka und Gernot Starke


Target audience: Softwarearchitekten Urs’ comment: Dieses kleine Büchlein beschreibt typische Verhaltensmuster von Softwarearchitekten – sowohl positive wie negative. Auf unterhaltsame Weise beschreiben diese Verhaltensmuster, was einen guten Softwarearchitekten ausmacht und vor was er sich in acht nehmen muss um es sich nicht mit dem Team, den Stakeholdern oder dem Projekt selbst zu verspielen. Dani’ comment: Beim Durchlesen dieses Buches habe ich mich selber in der einen...

Book review: Rocket Surgery made easy – The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems by Steve Krug


Target audience: Everyone interested in usability testing Urs’ comment: The book is funny, short and informative. I didn’t read this book because I want to perform usability tests. We have usability experts in our company for this. But, I wanted to learn more about this topic and this book showed me a lot of important things to know about usability testing. For me the most interesting information in here is what to expect from usability testing and how to integrate it into an Agile...

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