The reporting mechanism allows creating a full report of the bootstrapping process. To be able to report the bootstrapping process the process must actually run and a reporter must be present. By default the bootstrapper uses a null reporter which does nothing with the report. But it is also possible to hook in a report generator which creates Visio, Enterprise Architect or … (you name it!) diagrams. A custom reporter must implement the reporter interface IReporter. The reporter receives...
bbv.Common.Bootstrapper Tutorial Part 5
Configuration sections
The bootstrapper supports loading of configuration sections through behaviors. The behaviors responsible for loading configuration sections must be applied in the begin section of the run syntax.
To be able to load configuration sections the ConfigurationSectionBehavior must be added in the strategy.
bbv.Common.Bootstrapper Tutorial Part 4
The strategy defines the order of execution for extension points and behaviors. The custom strategy must inherit from IStrategy. For convenience, use the provided abstract base class AbstractStrategy{TExtension} which simplifies defining a custom strategy. The strategy could look like the following:
bbv.Common.Bootstrapper Tutorial Part 3
Behaviors Behaviors allow extending the bootstrapping process in an aspect oriented style. Behaviors gain access to extensions which are participating in the bootstrapper process and can therefore influence them for example by injecting additional runtime information into an extension. Behaviors must implement IBehavior<TExtension>. They automatically gain access to all extensions participating the bootstrapping process. Behaviors are executed before the corresponding extension point is...
bbv.Common.Bootstrapper Tutorial Part 2
Advanced The bootstrapper can do more! Let us look into a more complex scenario. Often it is required to collect context information during the bootstrapping process and pass this information to the extension points. Imagine you are using an inversion of control container which intakes IModule implementations to register dependencies during the bootstrapping process. All IModule implementations need to be passed into the IContainer implementation upon construction. For backward compatibility...
bbv.Common.Bootstrapper Tutorial Part 1
To get started with the bootstrapper you need the following three things:
Extension interface
Bootstrapper setup
Extension interface
The extension interface defines the extension points which are called by the bootstrapper. The custom extension interface must inherit from IExtension and can only declare methods which return void as extension points. A very basic extension interface could look like the following:
bbv.Common.Bootstrapper: Introduction
There’s a new kid around the block! The bbv.Common library contains now a generic bootstrapper implementation. The bootstrapper provides a simple and flexible way to make your application’s startup and shutdown behavior pluggable and extendable. As usual the bootstrapper package comes along with high unit test coverage (it has been developed with TDD), executable specifications (MSPECified 😉 ) and a sample application. The bootstrapper is focused around the following core...