This is part 6 of how we generate types from our .Net backend to be used in our TypeScript client.
- Why do we even bother?
- Generating TypeScript constants from .Net constants
- Finding the types used in communication between the .Net backend and the TypeScript client
- Generating TypeScript classes from .Net types
- Generating Angular Services from .Net WebApi Controllers
- TypeScript-friendly JSON serialization of F# types
- Testing JSON serialization and deserialization
- Putting all the parts together
None of the existing JSON libraries can serialize F# unions in a way that is easy to use in TypeScript. Therefore, we changed the library Thoth so that the serialized JSON matches our needs.
Why Thoth?
We used Thoth as a starting point because it is a JSON serialization/deserialization library written in F# for F#. It handles F# records and unions out of the box – just not exactly how we need it so that it is easy to use together with TypeScript.
The problem is how discriminated unions are serialized. Normally, a discriminated union like type DU = A of int | B of string*int
is serialized like ["B","hello",17]
. An array containing the case as the first element, followed by the values for the case fields. As we have seen in the post about how we generate TypeScript types, we generate a type for DU
that looks like this:
export type DU = {
"A"?: number
"B"?: [string, number]
That means, we need a JSON that looks like this: {"B":["the answer",42]}
. An object containing the case as a property and the values in an array.
There are some other things we changed as well. They are explained below when I show all the changes that we made to the code. Please note that Thoth’s code on Github has changed a bit in the meantime.
To achieve our desired behaviour, we copied the source code of Thoth and made the following changes.
Changes to record encoding
In the function autoEncodeRecordsAndUnions
we changed the handling of records from original to
if FSharpType.IsRecord(t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation=true) then
let setters =
FSharpType.GetRecordFields(t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation=true)
|> (fun fi ->
let targetKey = Util.Casing.convert caseStrategy fi.Name
let encoder = autoEncoder extra caseStrategy skipNullField fi.PropertyType
fun (source: obj) (target: JObject) ->
let value = FSharpValue.GetRecordField(source, fi)
if not skipNullField || (skipNullField && not (isNull value)) then // Discard null fields
target.[targetKey] <- encoder.Encode value
boxEncoder(fun (source: obj) ->
//--> changed
let getInitialJObject () =
let cutGenericType typeName =
let index = typeName |> FSharpx.String.indexOfChar '`'
if index > 0 then
typeName |> FSharpx.String.substring' 0 index
let o = JObject()
o.["$type"] <- JValue.CreateString(cutGenericType t.Name)
(getInitialJObject (), setters) ||> Seq.fold (fun target set -> set source target) :> JsonValue)
//--> end changed
Line 13-26: We add a property named $type
for every record that holds the name of the type (without generic type parts, if any). We need that for records that implement interfaces to have a discriminator to be used in a switch statement in TypeScript.
A record like type R = { A : int }
is serialized as {"$type":"R","a":42}
It is simpler to do that for all records, not just the ones that actually implement an interface.
Changes to discriminated union encoding
We changed the original to this:
elif FSharpType.IsUnion(t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation=true) then
boxEncoder(fun (value: obj) ->
//--> changed
let unionCasesInfo = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation = true)
let info, fields = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(value, t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation=true)
let isEnumDU =
|> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.GetFields().Length = 0)
if isEnumDU
string info.Name
match unionCasesInfo.Length with
| 1 ->
match fields.Length with
| 0 ->
string info.Name
| 1 ->
let fieldTypes = info.GetFields()
let encoder = autoEncoder extra caseStrategy skipNullField fieldTypes.[0].PropertyType
| len ->
let fieldTypes = info.GetFields()
let target = Array.zeroCreate<JsonValue> len
for i = 0 to len-1 do
let encoder = autoEncoder extra caseStrategy skipNullField fieldTypes.[i].PropertyType
target.[i] <- encoder.Encode(fields.[i])
array target
| _ ->
match fields.Length with
| 0 ->
let typeName =
let result = JObject()
result.Add(typeName, (bool true))
result :> JsonValue
| length ->
let result =
let fieldTypeInfos = info.GetFields()
if fields.Length = 1
// wert
let fieldInfo = fieldTypeInfos.[0]
let field = fields.[0]
let fieldEncoder = autoEncoder extra caseStrategy skipNullField fieldInfo.PropertyType
fieldEncoder.Encode field
// array
let result = JArray()
for i in 0..(length-1) do
let fieldInfo = fieldTypeInfos.[i]
let field = fields.[i]
let fieldEncoder = autoEncoder extra caseStrategy skipNullField fieldInfo.PropertyType
let fieldValue = fieldEncoder.Encode field
result :> JsonValue
let wrapper = JObject()
wrapper.Add(info.Name, result)
wrapper :> JsonValue)
//--> end changed
Line 4, 5: We get all cases of this union and their fields.
Line 7-13: We check whether it is a DU that is used as a “simple” enum. If so, we just write the case name to JSON.
Line 15: Depending on the number of cases, we deal differently with this DU. Single case DUs are handled specially. If a case is later added to this DU, then we would serialize it differently. This is, however, not a problem for us because the JSON we generate with this pimped Thoth version is never persisted. For persisted JSON, we use the normal version of Thoth.
Line 18: A single case DU without a field is serialized by writing the case’s name. E.g. type A = A
results in A
Line 20: A single case DU with a single field is serialized by encoding the field’s value. The DU itself is erased. E.g. type A = A of int
result in 42
Line 24: A single case DU with multiple fields is serialized by putting all the serialized fields’ values into an array. E.g. type A = A of int*string
results in [42,"hello"]
Line 33: For a value of a multi-case DU without any fields like A
in type D = A | B of int
, we create an object with a property A
of type bool
. The bool
is irrelevant, but this is a way to match the type that we generate for such a DU: export type D = { A?: bool; B?:int }
. We just don’t want to use null
or 0
because that could lead to trouble when comparing with ==
in TypeScript. And it’s a nicer JSON 😉
Line 39: Here we handle a multi case DU and the value has at least one field. If there is only one field then we serialize that, otherwise we serialize all the fields and put them into an array.
Line 60: We put the serialized values for the content of the DU into an object with the case name as a property. If we have for example the following types:
type R = { A : int }
type DU = A of R | B
And we serialize the value let value = DU.A { A = 42 }
, we get {"A":{"$type":"R","a":42}}
. And that matches our generated TypeScript type.
Changes to record deserialization
We didn’t have to change anything in record deserialization.
Changes to discriminated union deserialization
We changed the original to this:
Changes to elif FSharpType.IsUnion(t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation=true) then
boxDecoder(fun path (value: JsonValue) ->
//--> added
let unionCasesInfo = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(t, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation = true)
match unionCasesInfo.Length with
| 1 ->
let unionCaseInfo = unionCasesInfo.[0]
let fields = unionCaseInfo.GetFields()
match fields.Length with
| 0 ->
let name = unionCaseInfo.Name
makeUnion extra caseStrategy t name path [||]
| 1 ->
let name = unionCaseInfo.Name
makeUnion extra caseStrategy t name path [| value |]
| _ ->
let jsons = value.AsJEnumerable()
let values =
|> jsons
|> (fun (v, p) ->
let decoder = autoDecoder extra caseStrategy false p.PropertyType
decoder.Decode (path, v))
|> Seq.toList
|> FsToolkit.ErrorHandling.List.sequenceResultM
|> v ->
FSharpValue.MakeUnion(unionCaseInfo, v |> List.toArray, allowAccessToPrivateRepresentation = true))
//--> added ended (including the following | _ ->
| _ ->
if Helpers.isString(value) then
let name = Helpers.asString value
makeUnion extra caseStrategy t name path [||]
elif Helpers.isArray(value) then
let values = Helpers.asArray value
let name = Helpers.asString values.[0]
makeUnion extra caseStrategy t name path values.[1..]
//--> added
elif Helpers.isObject(value) then
let dict = value.Value<JObject>() :> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, JToken>
let uciOption = unionCasesInfo |> Array.tryFind (fun uci -> dict.ContainsKey uci.Name)
match uciOption with
| Some uci ->
let content = dict.[uci.Name]
if Helpers.isBool content then
makeUnion extra caseStrategy uci.DeclaringType uci.Name path [||]
else if Helpers.isArray content then
let contentArray = Helpers.asArray content
makeUnion extra caseStrategy uci.DeclaringType uci.Name path contentArray
makeUnion extra caseStrategy uci.DeclaringType uci.Name path [| content |]
| None -> ("", BadPrimitive("Type not found in Union Cases", value)) |> Error
//--> added end
else (path, BadPrimitive("a string or array", value)) |> Error)record deserialization
We check the same cases as when encoding. Then we inverse the process. I think most is self-explanatory at this stage. Just some quick hints:
Line 19-28: We decode the values from they array and if there is an error we stop.
Line 43: We deserialize the JObject
and try to find the corresponding union case. Remember that the bool
property is a trick for cases without any fields.
The rest
The rest of Thoth’s code is unchanged. We only put it into a different namespace so that we can use this pimped version for serialization and deserialization when we send data to the client or receive data from the client; and the normal version for all cases when we want to persist JSON. As already written above, the pimped version cannot be used in cases when the JSON is persisted because when a discriminated unions is changed from being single case to multi case, the JSON cannot be deserialized anymore. The normal version of Thoth can handle that because the JSON does not handle single case DUs in a special way.
So now that we can serialize and deserialize F# records and discriminated unions in a way that matches out generated TypeScript types, it is time to show you, how we test that our types are serialized correctly. Stay tuned for the next post.
This blog post is made possible with the support of Time Rocket, the product this blog post is about. Take a look (German only).
[…] TypeScript-friendly JSON serialization of F# types […]
[…] TypeScript-friendly JSON serialization of F# types […]
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[…] TypeScript-friendly JSON serialization of F# types […]