TagRemote Working

Flexible work days as a remote worker


I enjoy remote working! I no longer have to commute, and I can freely adjust my work day schedule as I see fit. For example, the warmer it gets during summer time I can just start earlier in the morning and finish earlier in the afternoon. If I have a doctor appointment, I’m free to schedule it anytime during the day. Going to the gym? No problem! I just plan my gym hours whenever they fit into the day so bypassing the rush hours. That’s great! But flexibility requires...

Remote working – The headquarter problem


In my last post, I explained that remote working is a life changer. I hope you had time to read the linked blog post in the previous installment. There is an interesting quote in Remote working – Now a business imperative. Still, the survey found a disconnect between employers and employees in terms of just how often those four walls should come down. On average employees said nine days per month would be the right amount of time to telecommute; employers thought it would be about four...

Working remotely – A life changer!


It is now over a year since I started working for Particular Software as a Solution Architect. I work 100% remote, and I enjoy it. In fact, I even believe that remote working should be the new business imperative  in the Software Industry. Many employees like me, like working without walls! The top ten benefits of remote working, according to a Microsoft study and quoted by Kevin Kruse on Forbes, are: 10) Environmentally friendly (23%) 9) More time with family (29%) 8) Less stressful...

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