Just a quick announcement that I’m going to have a speech at the Prio 2009 in Munich on October 28. or 29. 2009.
The main topic of the Prio conference this year is “User Interface”.
I’m going to talk about UI development the TDD way and show how to use the Passive-View-Command pattern for better testability, extendibility and changeability.
I’m touching a lot of topics in this session:
- MVVM – Model View ViewModel pattern
- WPF commands and “normal” command pattern
- Unity – Inversion of Control Container
- Everything will be shown with the help of a sample application which is distilled from the open source project collaboration tool ProCollEE.
Information about all the sessions can be found here.
The ProCollEE link that you provide start with https, target a wordpress application and require a password. It could be better to link to the sourceforge project home page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/procollee/
@Franco Martinig
Thanks for the feedback. I was logged in when copying the link :-O