AuthorDaniel Marbach

Scrum certification exam needed


Important announcement for all those certified scrum masters out there. The scrum alliance recently changed their policy of the certification process for the certified scrum master. Thanks to Ken Schwaber taking the exam and therefore prove that the individual was able to memorize the scrum basics on a theoretical basis is now more important than the experience of living and breathing scrum… Effective 1 October 2009, certifications will be valid for two years from the date when the CSM...



I recently published bbv.Common.Mobile which is a hybrid porting of the bbv.Common library collection. The bbv.Common.Mobile contains components and functionalities including: (a)synchronous notification component with thread switching, enum based statemachine with fluent interface, programatic context based rule engine, decoupled topic based event routing. For source code and binaries please refer to:

see also the full version under:

When Cast doesn’t cast to T


Bill Wagner gives on his blog a very interesting overview about the Enumerable.Cast<T> operator and why it could throw InvalidCastException in situations you would might not expect. Take a look at his article and you get very interesting insights.

Windows 7 features videos


As some of you might already know Windows 7 is now released for manufacturing and will soon be available. Eric Ligman provides on the Microsoft SMB Community Blog a nice set of cool videos about the new features of Windows 7 such as User State Migration Tool, BranchCache, Direct Access, User Account Control (UAC) and many more. I recommend his blog post for everyone who wants a deeper insight into the exciting features of Windows 7.

The solution: Formbased access to sharepoint by WebDav


In the first post of this serie I describe the problem which can be read here. In the second post of this serie I explained how the problem was analyzed using Live HTTP Headers which can be read here. In this post I want to present you a possible solution how to achieve a succesful login on a sharepoint server which uses form based authorization. The WebDavSession from the ITHit component has unfortunately no public interface to set cookies from the outside (although I’m in contact with...

The analyzation: Formbased access to sharepoint by WebDav


In the previous post I described the problem of accessing WebDav resources by using WebDav on a sharepoint server which has enabled form based authentication. The basic idea behind the solution is actually quite easy: When accessing the sharepoint portal on the external zone with the ASP.NET membership accounts you have to fill out the login form with your credentials. When you click on the “Sign In” button a HTTP Post is sent to the server containing some uniquely generated IDs for...

The problem: Formbased access to sharepoint by WebDav


In one of my projects I’m currently using WebDav to communicate to a sharepoint server. To minimize the developing costs regarding WebDav and to speed up the project I evaluated a nice library from ITHit which fully implements WebDAV RFC 2518 and DeltaV RFC 3253. The library is pretty straight forward to use and implemented in TDD manor. The cool thing also about this library is that resources and items from the remote location are returned as interfaces which really simplifies testing in...

.NET Compact Framework 3.7 leaked to public

Not surprisingly some geeks were able to extract the .NET Compact Framework 3.7 version which was contained in one of the latest Windows Mobile 6.5 ROMs. The .NET Compact Framework 3.7 is now available on some sites for download as CAB file. Unfortunately the extracted run-time environment is without a change log which let’s us developers in the dark what really was improved.

Immutable types in C#


Looking for new “brainfood” on programming topics on the internet I came across a really interesting article about immutable types in C# from Joe Duffy who happens to be the lead developer and architect for Parallel Extensions to .NET. If an object of a given types is immutable that means that the state of the object will never change after being constructed. Joe Duffy explains and shows by example how immutable types could be approached in .NET

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