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MsBuild and document include tags => Annoying bug


I was developing a large wrapper library for some classes from System.IO. I wanted to use the original documentation from mscorlib for my wrapper classes because the methods and properties only wrap the underlying components from System.IO. This is easily possible with the document include tag.
But there is a bug in the latest msbuild version which can drive you nuts if you don’t know what to look for.

VS2010 Search + Replace to the rescue


I’m currently working porting a library into another open source project. As I have heavily extended the library my primary goal was to make it work and then compliant to the coding guidelines. A lot of my code contained in the library had automatically generated (with R#) interface implementations which contained blank lines between the curly braces. As you might know this is not StyleCop compliant. Wonderfully I was able to address the issues with the VS2010 Search + Replace dialog and tagged...

BlueJ a simple Java IDE


Did you ever consider learning OOP (Object-oriented programming)? Or maybe you want just write a little code in Java? But you don’t want build an Enterprise level Project or study 1 Day, how to start with a “hello world” project? If you can answer one or more of these questions with yes, BlueJ might be the solution for you.

Clean Code and Clean TDD Cheat Sheets


Updated: new version here! I have compiled two cheat sheets about clean code (the ones mentioned in my post about Code Quality!). The first covers clean code – code that is easy readable and keeps changeable. The second is about Test Driven Development. Both cheat sheets list principles, patterns, practices and smells. You can download them here – Clean Code Cheat Sheet V1.3, Clean TDD Cheat Sheet V1.2. Take a look! I’d like to read your feedback in the comments section… (just an...

Happy 2011


The planetgeek team wishes all our readers a happy year 2011 and all the best for all upcoming challenges! We also want to thank you for your  loyalty and growing interest in our platform. Stay tuned for more interesting posts!

Expose for Windows


In this article i will show you a small tool named “switcher”. Maybe you know the feature expose on mac OS S, Switcher enables this on Windows Vista and Windows 7 Clients. I guess if you install Switcher you never use “alt” & “tab” and “win” & “tab” again.

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