
From User Stories to Architecture


This is the slide deck of a presentation I gave for bbv Software Services AG at two events in 2009 along with some comments .
If you are interested in seeing this presentation live (either in German or English) then please contact me.

In an agile project, the architecture has to evolve together with the requirements and the code. In this presentation, I’ll show you our agile architecture lifecycle.

Self-Organized also means having cojones


Living and breathing Scrum means for a team being self organized. My experience in different Scrum projects tells me that this is not always an easy task to grasp. Experienced Agile teams are self organized when it comes to maintain the code base or gathering information for user stories from the product owner. But what happens when soft skills are involved?

A Sprint in Scrum is not an Iteration


When I talk with fellow developers new to Scrum, I often hear a fundamental misunderstanding about Sprints. These colleagues  are normally used to Waterfall or RUP methodologies. As a consequence, they think of Sprints as very short repetitions of the following phases: requirements (planning meeting), design, implementation, test (sprint review as acceptance).
And this is completely wrong!
Let me tell you why.

Top 10 Reasons Why I Like Scrum


Recently, I was asked by a colleague why I like Scrum. I didn’t have a good answer at hand immediately, and since then the question bugged me. Therefore it’s time to give you my top ten now:

Team Spirit
Continuum Of Work Pressure
Don’t Assume, Show
Team Knowledge Over Experts
Control Is Good, Presentation Is Better
Continuous Improvement
True Incremental Development
No One-Man Shows
ROI Is The King

Scrimmage as answer to scrum for support


Peter Stevens from scrum-breakfast.com blogged today a really interesting article about an adapted scrum process for IT support. As Peter Stevens describes in his post on of his attendees in his workshop was the leader of IT Support for the EE Department of the ETH Zurich. They where facing the problem that their support group had to deal with daily business and they had to successfully compete medium term projects but their daily business was consuming all their time. The answer to their...

The Essence of Scrum And Test Driven Development


Lately, I asked myself why I like Scrum most. I’m a big fan of Scrum because of a lot of things. So I asked myself: “What is the root cause of all these”. I tracked it down to two main things: Focus Feedback I’ll come back to that later. I’m also a big fan of Test Driven Development. Guess what,  I performed a root cause analysis on TDD, too. And once again: Focus Feedback After that, I asked myself: “Are there other things I like with these root causes?”. Yes there are: Playing Volleyball and...

Overview/review of scrum tools


Some people share the opinion that scrum and other agile development methods are easily maintainable with pencil and post-it only. Nonetheless there is a growing list of software solutions which support scrum methodology. Boris Gloger from Scrum 4 You publishes regularly reviews of scrum tools on his blog. I strongly recommend to take a look at his website and the scrum tools list!

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