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Agile UI Development in .NET: Nested Views


Updated: Something went wrong with the code snippets. Now it’s okay.
Today, we”l have a look at nested views in my series on agile UI development in .NET using an extended MVVM pattern (table of contents).
There are two kinds of nested views:

contextually nested views and
hierarchically nested views (master-detail scenarios)

German .NET Magazin article published


Just a quick announcement. I wrote together with Alain Baumeler from bbv Software Services AG an article about hybrid application development targeting both .NET and .NET compact framework. The article is written in German and published in the .NET Magazin. Here is the quick overview of the article: Hybride Softwareentwicklung in .NET – Einführung in die Vorteile und Patterns der hybriden Softwareentwicklung für .NET Compact und .NET Framework Mobile Geräte mit Windows Mobile sind trotz...

NMock2 Release with MockStyle.Stub?


We got the following geek question from Henrik: Hi, Thanks for sharing this preview of the MockStyle.Stub feature! Its exactly was I was looking for when I googled this page, so now I just can't wait for a release with this included ;-) I tried to find some information on futre release plans but could not find any. Could anybody help me out? When could we3 expect a new NUnit supporting MockStyle.Stub? Cheers! Henrik The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Let me tell you why: The...

C# Coding Style Guidelines


In the last couple of weeks, I ran over some posts about c# coding style guidelines, i.e. guidelines about how to arrange (style) your code. This normally includes things like where to put paranthesis, how fields are named (e.g. with/without _) and so on.
All these posts (no I don’t have the links anymore) had two things in common:

Moq suggestions: SetupSequentials


I must say I’m really a huge fan of Moq. Moq is steady growing and the developer community is quite impressive in inventing new features and extensions. I recently ran over a nice feature suggestion placed in a private branch from moq. The branch belongs to Brian J. Cardiff. I suggest you check also his blog out! The feature brain suggested is an extension method which allows to do sequential setups. The sequential setup allows to specify in a fluent way for example different return types...

The code part II: EventTester with expression trees


The first post of this series gave a quick overview over the event tester usage, the last post gave a deep dive into some part of the event tester code. When talking about line numbers or certain code expression I’m always referring to the code provided in the last post. When talking about the expression tree construction in the last post the last thing we got into was the build up of the if/then/else expression. After building up the if/then/else expression we need to build the...

The code part I: EventTester with expression trees


In my last post I gave a quick overview over the event tester usage and how you could benefit from such a component. In this post I want to show you the source code of my event tester implementation and give you a short dive into the expression tree magic that is happening behind the scenes. This time I show you first not only portions of the code but the whole code in advance annotated with line numbers. My explanations will point to line numbers in the code below.

Agile UI Development in .NET: Model Commands


In my series on agile UI development in .NET, we have seen quite a lot so far (table of contents). But up to now, we never made a call to the model (business logic, services and so on). This is the topic of this post: Model Commands.
A Model Command encapsulates a single action hat is execute against the model. This can be a query to request data, an action that modifies data, communication with a completely different part of the system or anything else your application has to do on the model.

Agile UI Development in .NET: Presenter


Next in my series (table of contents) on agile UI development in .NET is the presenter. The presenter is responsible to drive the UI workflow. This means that the presenter is the control center to react to:

events from the model. For example that data has changed.
events from embedded presenters
calls from parent presenter
calls from UI commands

Introduction: EventTester with expression trees


I always wanted to get my hands dirty with a little expression tree magic but never had the time to do so. When test driving code of a component you are currently working on you might feel in the middle of the “Do a little change, let it fail, make it green” process that your component needs an event which is publicly visible and can be subscribed by clients. But how would you test that the event is fired on your component’s interface? I’ll show you how this is normally...

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