
SunRay Terminal unexpected reboot


For a project we use some SunRay 3 Plus terminal with the Sun Oracle VDI server. After all I only can say this thin client solution rock!!! But in the project time we hade to debug a problem. The problem was some Sun Ray Clients did unexpected reboots every 2 till 5 minutes. And it comes even stranger, next day the Terminal works without any problem and another terminal reboots. After some vi action we found the following error in the Log of the vdi server.

Epia goes 2 VirtualBox


A few days ago, my epia device gave up it’s live. So I was looking for a temporary alternative to start the harddisk.
Looking back it was very easy to get it run in my desktop, to get the data I’m storing on it. (A little database and some Webservices)
Here you can read how you get an existing OS into your VirtualBox.

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