

German .NET Magazin article published


Just a quick announcement. I wrote together with Alain Baumeler from bbv Software Services AG an article about hybrid application development targeting both .NET and .NET compact framework. The article is written in German and published in the .NET Magazin. Here is the quick overview of the article: Hybride Softwareentwicklung in .NET – Einführung in die Vorteile und Patterns der hybriden Softwareentwicklung für .NET Compact und .NET Framework Mobile Geräte mit Windows Mobile sind trotz...

Thawte Personal Email Certificate discontinued


Since the year 2004 I’m a member of the Web of Trust from Thawte and have been giving trust points to a number of people. To spread the web of trust we did also signing parties at some universities and schools. This era has come to an end! Thawte decided to discontinue the personal e-mail certificate and the web of trust services. Thawte recently published that security compliance requirements have become more restrictive, while the technology infrastructure necessary to meet these...

Twitter account


Just a short notice. We have now our own twitter account available under . On this twitter account you’ll receive the latest updates when new posts are published on Hope we’ll have you soon as one of our followers.

CodePlex Foundation


Have you ever been thinking in one of your commercial projects of how one particular open source tool or frameworks could solve a lot of your problems but there were to many uncertainties in terms of licensing, compliance to your customers needs and law impediments etc.? I think you have. Must people now tend to say go for Apache 2 license and you won’t have to worry to much because you have almost any rights to change and adapt the provided code (naively speaking). Recently the CodePlex...

prio.conference 2009


Zeit für etwas Werbung prio.conference zum Thema User Interface am 28. und 29. Oktober 2009 in München Frei nach dem Motto „Es gibt keine zweite Chance für einen ersten Eindruck“ widmet sich die prio.conference 2009 grundsätzlich dem Aushängeschild jeder Anwendung: User Interface Auf der prio.conference 2009 am 28. und 29. Oktober in München erfahren Sie in rund 30 Sessions worauf bei der technischen Architektur und dem Design der Oberfläche zu achten ist. Lernen Sie, welche Technologien sich...

NMock2 Documentation Now On MediaWiki


Due to changes on and its hosted applications, the documentation of NMock2 – a library for assisting test driven development of .NET code by providing a dynamic Mock Object framework for .NET interfaces and classes (virtual and abstract members of classes) – has been moved from WikiSpaces to MediaWiki.
You can check it out at

Prio 2009 in Munich


Just a quick announcement that I’m going to have a speech at the Prio 2009 in Munich on October 28. or 29. 2009. The main topic of the Prio conference this year is “User Interface”. I’m going to talk about UI development the TDD way and show how to use the Passive-View-Command pattern for better testability, extendibility and changeability. I’m touching a lot of topics in this session: MVVM – Model View ViewModel pattern WPF commands and “normal” command pattern Unity – Inversion of Control...

New author on planetgeek


We can happily announce that our team is growing. A new team member recently joined the planetgeek team. His name is Thomas Weingartner. He will be publishing his curriculum vitea on the about page as soon as possible. We are happy to have you in our team Thomas! A warm welcome to you!

Dynamically create delegates


Recently I was facing a problem regarding delegates. I needed to dynamically create a delegate which “points to” a dynamically reflected method which is not static on a given type. The problem was, that at the time of the “inspection” of the type I had no instance of that type available. Normally delegates “pointing to” instances are said to be closed on a given  instance therefore you need to have a concrete instance of the type available which the delegate can be bound to. An example of a...

NMock2 is fast. Really fast!


Andrew Kazyrevich published a post containing timing comparisons of Moq, Rhino Mocks, Isolator and NMock2.
And NMock2 – although still lacking some features – is very fast compared to the competitors. Woohoo!
I’m curious how the newly introduced features (mock classes, non-strict and recursive mocks) will change in this setup. I’ll check that out as soon as I find some time :-O
If you want to check the new features (alpha!) yourself then here is the svn URL:
Happy mocking!

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