

Happy 2011


The planetgeek team wishes all our readers a happy year 2011 and all the best for all upcoming challenges! We also want to thank you for your  loyalty and growing interest in our platform. Stay tuned for more interesting posts!

Windows7, Resharper 5.1, VS2010 and xunit.contrib problem


Just a short notice. If you are using Resharper 5.1 under Windows7 and xunit.contrib and your unit tests are not executed anymore in VS2010 you need to check the following: Close all running VS2010 instances Upgrade to latest xunit.contrib for Resharper 5.1 If you have xunit.contrib under Program Files\Jetbrains\Resharper\..\Bin\Plugins then move them to [Root]:\Users\[YourUser]\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\ReSharper\v5.1\vs10.0\Plugins\XunitContrib Open VS2010 again and you should be able to run...

Speaking at BASTA! in Mainz (Germany) on September 21st 2010


I’m going to speak about code quality (see my short version of the presentation) at the conference BASTA! BASTA! is mainly focused on .NET technology and gives you the opportunity to see and speak with a wide range of technology experts. If you have any feedback of what you are missing in my short presentation, please write a comment here or on the post with the presentation. The short version takes about 30 minutes and my speak at BASTA! is scheduled for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  I will...

WeTab launched


The WeTab has been launched! Some blog posts declared the WeTab as THE iPad Killer. We will see how the WeTab revolutionizes the tablet pc world. The features of WeTab are amazing:

See: (Currently only available in Germany for 569 euro the 32 GB/3G version)
What do you think about the WeTab?

News about NAnt


Some of the blog posts recently declared NAnt as a dead project. But I can assure you that NAnt is not dead!
Some days ago NAnt 0.90 RC1 has been released. Check it out:
And what about NAnt and .NET 4.0? Look at this blog post

Github: failed to push some refs


I’m heavily experimenting with git using Just in case you’ll ever receive the following error message:
failed to push some refs
Don’t panic as I did! Just need to make a pull request first because there might be changes that we need to pull in. Afterwards it is easy possible to push your changes to Have fun!

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